Tuesday, March 23, 2010

! spring !

old wooden shipping crate filled with sunshine

creamy stone springtime mushroom

amber apothecary bottle

weathered metal fire bucket

glass beehive bee catcher

new hampshire type tray

SPRING IS HERE! it's official. overnight the grass has grown taller and greener, sprouting curly shoots in spots that were dirt three days ago. trees are slowly showing leaves. buds are getting fatter each hour. and a few brave daffodils are already tilting their heads toward the sunshine. all while robins sing happy songs. spring is also springing at polkadotHOME. i love using unusual containers to hold flowers and other springtime treasures. the items above are a sample of what will be available soon.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

n e s t i n g

these sweet birds are amazing! i love the way they spend their days hunting and gathering the perfect treasures for their nests, and then spend hours decorating.

this is quite an assortment. pretty blues, the color of the ocean.

look! eyeglasses! makes me wonder if my old glasses are in someone elses nest.

a touch of yellow adds an uplifting mood to otherwise calm decor.

a beach cottage theme.

Friday, March 5, 2010

fresh flower friday's

today is the beginning of a new spring resolution. i'm trading in my 3-4x/week grande americano habit for fresh flowers. coffee is easy to make (though it won't be an americano). flowers are harder to grow (especially when there's still snow everywhere). so, i will be heading off to trader joe's for the start of 'fresh flower friday's'. and while i'm there, i 'll pick up a lot of coffee.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

pre-spring shopping

ahh yes, a quick trip to anthropologie yielded these lovely items, perfect for pre-spring, and post-spring accessorizing. the earrings are amazing, and i now own them in black, red and a gorgeous sunny yellow. this soft gray scarf is a perfect match to these vintagy deep brown boots. i'll probably be wearing these pieces to the first big antique market in april...can't wait!

Monday, March 1, 2010

l i o n / l a m b

Though they say, "in like a lion, out like a lamb" this March is in like a lamb (fine with me!)
Both sweet spring lamb and lion are available in the shop, just in time for March.
Welcome Spring!